Social and Emotional Development MilestonesCATS

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Every baby develops at his/her own pace, so it is impossible to tell exactly when your child will learn a given skill in developmental milestones.

The listed milestones below will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect. Do not be alarmed if your own baby’s development takes a slightly different course and/or pace.

By the end of 12 months
 Shy or anxious with strangers
 Cries when mother or father leaves
 Enjoys imitating people in his/her play
 Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys
 Tests parental responses to his/her actions during feeding
 Tests parental responses to his/her behavior
 May be fearful in some situations
 Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others
 Repeats sounds or gestures for attention
 Finger-feeds him/herself
 Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed

By the end of 2 year (24 months)
 Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children
 More aware of him/herself as separate from others
 More excited about company of other children
 Demonstrates increasing independence
 Begins to show defiant behavior
 Separation anxiety increases toward midyear then fades

By the end of 5 year (60 months)
 Wants to please friends
 Wants to be like his/her friends
 More likely to agree to rules
 Likes to sing, dance, and act
 Shows more independence and may even visit a next-door neighbor by herself
 Aware of gender
 Able to distinguish fantasy from reality
 Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly cooperative